This page provides access to Online Forms as well as Download and Print Forms. Forms will be added as built/submitted and approved. Click on the form name to access the form.
Calendar Event Request Form
(Online Submission)
- Complete and submit to request information entered on the EZCDA web calendar
EZCDA Church Directory Update Form (Online Submission)
- Complete and submit to update information on the EZCDA Church Directory
- Complete and submit if you are a member of the EZCDA and your church is not included on the directory.
EZCDA Unified Budget Pledge Form (Download and Print)
In accordance with the East Zion Consolidated District Association Constitution, ARTICLE V – BASIS OF CHURCH REPRESENTATION, “The Annual representation of Churches shall be the "Unified Budget", which constitutes all auxiliaries, the same of which is to be paid monthly.
- Download, print and complete the Pledge Form
- Submit to the address below, indicating your church (or EZDCA Auxiliary) monthly pledge amount
Return Completed Form to:
Rev. James Brown
East Zion Consolidated District Association
P. O. Box 11393
Oklahoma City, OK 73136
East Zion Consolidated District Association
P. O. Box 11393
Oklahoma City, OK 73136
Email to